Creating an online course is one thing, but turning those efforts into sales? That's a whole different ball game. Many course creators pour their heart into perfecting their content but hit a roadblock when it comes to converting leads into paying customers.

Curious about the distinctions between a traditional website and a high-converting funnel? Wondering how this shift can skyrocket your course's success? You've landed in the right spot. 

We're here to break it all down for you.

What is a Sales Funnel?

Think of a sales funnel as a scientific experiment. In science, when conducting an experiment, you need to control variables to accurately measure outcomes. Similarly, in marketing, a sales funnel limits the actions a user can take to better understand and influence their journey towards making a purchase.

In a sales funnel, we test various elements such as:

  • Offers

  • Branding

  • User Experience

  • Product Market Fit

At each stage of the funnel, we have indicators showing where the user is in their journey. These stages are often referred to as stages of awareness:

  1. Awareness

  2. Consideration

  3. Conversion

  4. Loyalty

Essentially, a funnel is a controlled environment that guides users through a series of steps, narrowing their choices to steer them towards a specific action—like buying your course.

Why Do You Need a Sales Funnel?

One common issue we see at our agency is the assumption that simply driving traffic to a website will result in conversions. However, our research shows that the average time spent on a website is only 67 seconds, dropping to less than 30 seconds for traffic from paid ads. With such limited time, you need to deliver a clear message and a compelling call to action quickly—this is where sales funnels come in.

Unlike a general website, which often has multiple products and a vague message, a sales funnel focuses on solving a specific problem. It guides potential customers through a streamlined process, addressing their particular pain points with targeted solutions. The funnel showcases relevant reviews and testimonials, reinforcing your expertise in that niche.

Not only does this approach position you as an expert, but it also simplifies the user's decision-making process, making it easier for them to take the desired action.

Top creators like Grant Cardone and Tony Robbins use sales funnels to effectively market their courses and masterminds. With attention spans decreasing every year, sales funnels remain the most efficient way to market your course now and in the future.

What are the 5 most important rules to create a funnel that converts?

  1. Clear Messaging

Clear messaging is crucial. It’s easy to overlook this after spending so much time immersed in your own space, but take a step back. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer persona. Visualize their stage in the buyer's journey and their understanding of your solution.

If you’re selling a course with a checkout page as the final step, address every potential objection your customer might have, as if you were speaking to them face-to-face. To identify these objections, use tools like Answer the Public to search for relevant keywords in your niche. This will reveal common questions and concerns. For those with more experience, these objections are likely already top of mind.

Remember, people don’t read pages; they scan them. Heatmaps from tools like Hotjar or Microsoft Clarity show how users interact with your sales page, highlighting the importance of well-crafted headlines.

  1. Clear Action

People often feel overwhelmed and lost when they encounter your product for the first time. They might have heard of you a few times, but behind the screen, they’re juggling life’s myriad challenges—kids, car issues, insurance, paperwork, and more.

People are willing to pay for solutions to their problems, but you need to make it easy for them to see the value in what you're offering. You need to do the work for them so that choosing your solution is a no-brainer.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Selling Courses via Checkout: Have a clear, impactful CTA that shows exactly how your course will improve their life.

  • Selling High-Ticket Programs with a Sales Call: Use a clear CTA that highlights the value they’ll receive from the call.

Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Keep your approach simple and straightforward, ensuring your CTA leads them seamlessly to the next step.

  1. Visualization

Research shows that visualizing goals can significantly influence purchasing behavior. To leverage this, use more personalized images rather than generic stock photos. If you have a story tied to your product, include images of yourself. If your product is digital, showcase it in action with authentic, well-edited pictures.

If you have graphic design or video editing skills, use them, especially to illustrate intangible knowledge. Here’s a strategy for using visuals effectively:

  1. Life Before the Promise: Show what life looks like before using your product to establish promise credibility.

  2. Life After the Promise: Highlight the transformation after using your product to reinforce promise credibility.

  3. Social Events/Conferences: Include pictures from social events to provide social proof.

  4. With Students: Show images of you with students to further enhance social proof.

  5. Product/Service in Action: Display the product or service being used to demonstrate practicality.

Remember, we’re social animals who trust those who look like us. Show faces, smiles, and relatable scenarios to build confidence and trust, mimicking real-life interactions in the digital world.

  1. Offer Creation

Creating a compelling offer is crucial for converting leads into customers. Emphasize crafting offers that are irresistible and clearly communicate value. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Identify the Core Problem: Understand the primary pain point your audience faces. What’s the pressing issue that keeps them up at night? Your offer should directly address this problem.

  2. Craft a Clear Solution: Present your product or service as the definitive solution to their problem. Outline exactly how it will alleviate their pain points and improve their situation.

  3. Stack the Value: Break down your offer into components and assign a value to each. This might include:

    • Main Product/Service: The core offering that solves their problem.

    • Bonuses: Additional items or services that complement the main offer and add value.

    • Guarantees: Risk-reversal techniques that reassure the buyer, such as money-back guarantees or satisfaction guarantees.

    • Limited-Time Specials: Urgency elements like discounts or bonuses that are available for a short period.

  4. Increase the Perceived Value: Emphasize the benefits and outcomes your customer will achieve. Use testimonials, case studies, and success stories to show real-life results. Highlight the tangible and intangible benefits.

Example Offer Breakdown:

  • Core Product: Online Course on Digital Marketing ($997 value)

  • Bonus 1: 1-on-1 Coaching Session ($300 value)

  • Bonus 2: Exclusive Access to Private Facebook Group ($200 value)

  • Bonus 3: E-Book on Advanced Marketing Strategies ($100 value)

  • Guarantee: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee (Priceless)

Total Value: $1597
Your Price Today: $497

Key Points to Highlight:

  • Immediate access to life-changing knowledge and tools.

  • Personal support and community to ensure success.

  • A no-risk guarantee that builds trust.

By following this structured approach, you can create an offer that is not just compelling but irresistible, making it clear to your prospects that they can’t afford to miss out on what you’re providing.

  1. Branding

Over the last few years, more and more competitors have entered the market. It’s not only a matter of knowledge but also of individuals, their story, and how they present their product to increase trust and recognition.

Small details matter. Imagine if your digital bank used serif fonts in 2024—you’d likely feel something was off and bounce.

  • Consistency is Key:

    • Ensure your branding elements, such as fonts and colors, are consistent and suitable for your industry. This builds familiarity and trust with your audience.

  • Research What Works:

    • Look at successful site templates on platforms like ThemeForest to see which colors and fonts are popular in your niche. These templates are often well-designed and optimized for user experience.

  • Competitive Analysis:

    • Use tools like the Facebook Ad Library to spy on your competitors and see what kind of ads they are running. This can give you insights into effective branding strategies in your industry.

Avoid relying solely on search engines for branding ideas, as they may prioritize SEO over conversion optimization. By focusing on what works in your niche and keeping your branding consistent, you can enhance trust and recognition among your target audience.

What is the best Funnel Structure:

Direct Sales Courses:

For course creators looking to sell via direct marketing, we generally recommend the following funnel structure:

  • Section 1 - Value Proposition:

    • Showcase the solution clearly. Explain how your course solves a specific problem or meets a particular need for your audience.

  • Section 2 - Audience Problematics:

    • Address the objections your audience may have. Provide clear, convincing responses to common concerns and doubts.

  • Section 3 - Social Trust:

    • Include video testimonials, reviews, and screenshots of results. Demonstrate social proof to build credibility and trust.

  • Section 4 - Who is Behind:

    • Introduce your team, share the research behind the course, and tell your story. Humanize your brand and connect with your audience on a personal level.

  • Section 5 - Deliverables:

    • List all the value your course offers. Be practical and transparent, showcasing the key features and benefits that can transform your customer's life.

  • Section 6 - Call to Action:

    • Use product visualization and detail the prices of individual products. Encourage action with a compelling call to action.

  • Section 7 - Recognition:

    • Explain how your course is recognized in the professional world. Highlight any certifications, accreditations, or endorsements.

  • Section 8 - FAQ:

    • Address other potential objections your audience might have. Provide clear, concise answers to frequently asked questions.

Funnel Pages:

Keep your funnel simple and avoid unnecessary steps:

  • Step 1 - Sales Page:

    • Follow the sections listed above to create a comprehensive and compelling sales page.

  • Step 2 - Checkout:

    • Simplify the checkout process by keeping only the necessary fields. Add social trust elements to reassure customers during the final purchase step.

  • Step 3 - Upsells:

    • Include multiple upsells to increase your average order value (AOV). Offer related products or premium versions of your course.

  • Step 4 - Thank You:

    • Redirect to the course immediately to minimize refunds and reduce the need for customer support. Provide a thank you message and any additional instructions or resources.

By following this structured approach, you can create an effective sales funnel that guides potential customers through the buying process, addresses their concerns, and ultimately drives conversions.

Mastermind and Coaching Programs

For high-ticket mastermind and coaching programs, we recommend the following funnel structure:

  • Section 1 - Value Proposition:

    • Showcase how you fix people's problems. Clearly articulate the unique value and specific outcomes participants can expect from your program.

  • Section 2 - Audience Problematics:

    • Address common objections and concerns that your target audience might have. Ensure your responses are clear and reassuring.

  • Section 3 - Case Studies:

    • Provide detailed case studies and testimonials. Show how you’ve been able to fix others' problems, offering real-life examples of success to build social trust.

  • Section 4 - Who is Behind:

    • Introduce yourself and your team. Share more information about who you are, your qualifications, and why prospects can trust you and your program.

  • Section 8 - FAQ:

    • Share common objections and provide clear answers. Address frequently asked questions to help prospects make an informed decision.

Funnel Pages:

Keep the funnel simple and focused on guiding prospects through each step:

  • Step 1 - Landing Page:

    • Follow the sections listed above to create a compelling and informative landing page.

  • Step 2 - Call Booking Page:

    • Use a tool like Calendly to allow your prospects to book a call easily. Make the booking process simple and convenient.

  • Step 3 - Thank You Page with Video Explanation:

    • After booking, redirect to a thank you page with a video explanation. Clarify what will be addressed in the calls, and address any objections or questions prospects might have to decrease the no-show rate.

By following this structured approach, you can create an effective sales funnel that clearly communicates the value of your mastermind and coaching programs, builds trust, and guides potential clients towards enrolling.

What are the 4 key elements in the funnel?

Awareness: Top of the funnel where potential customers first learn about your product or service. Use content marketing, social media, SEO, and ads to attract attention.

Interest: Middle of the funnel where potential customers engage with your brand. Nurture their interest with valuable content, engaging emails, and personalized communication.

Consideration: Bottom of the funnel where potential customers evaluate and compare your offering. Use case studies, testimonials, free trials, or demos to convince them of your product’s value.

Action: Final step where customers make the purchase. Ensure a smooth checkout process, clear calls to action, and support to address any concerns.

What are the KPIs to track?

The KPIs of your funnel are crucial for improving your funnel's conversion rate. Here are the three most important KPIs to monitor:

  1. Conversion Rate:

The overall conversion rate of your funnel is essential but can be broad and challenging to act upon without further breakdown. This metric measures the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action, such as purchasing your course. While important, it’s necessary to dive deeper into more specific metrics to identify areas for improvement.

  1. Page Conversion Rate:

Tracking the conversion rates at each step of your funnel is vital to pinpoint where issues might be. For example, if you are selling a course for $300 and your conversion rate from the sales page to checkout is 2%, there may be a significant problem with your sales page. Similarly, if you're using paid ads and the cost per add to cart exceeds $150, it indicates a need for improvement. Aim for a cost per add to cart around 20% of your product price when using paid ads.

  1. Bounce Rate:

If your funnel is attracting qualified traffic but experiencing a high bounce rate, it’s likely that your message, branding, and offers are not resonating with visitors. A good bounce rate is around 40% or lower. A bounce rate of 60% or higher suggests that your page needs evaluation and possible adjustments to align better with your target audience.

  1. Scroll Rate:

Monitoring scroll rate with tools like Hotjar or Microsoft Clarity can provide insights into user engagement. If you notice low engagement, low average session duration, and low scroll depth, it indicates that your landing page is not effectively capturing interest. Use heatmaps and session recordings to identify and address areas where users lose interest.

By keeping a close eye on these KPIs, you can gain valuable insights into how your funnel is performing and make informed decisions to optimize each stage for better conversion rates.

Creating an online course is one thing, but turning those efforts into sales? That's a whole different ball game. Many course creators pour their heart into perfecting their content but hit a roadblock when it comes to converting leads into paying customers.

Curious about the distinctions between a traditional website and a high-converting funnel? Wondering how this shift can skyrocket your course's success? You've landed in the right spot. 

We're here to break it all down for you.

What is a Sales Funnel?

Think of a sales funnel as a scientific experiment. In science, when conducting an experiment, you need to control variables to accurately measure outcomes. Similarly, in marketing, a sales funnel limits the actions a user can take to better understand and influence their journey towards making a purchase.

In a sales funnel, we test various elements such as:

  • Offers

  • Branding

  • User Experience

  • Product Market Fit

At each stage of the funnel, we have indicators showing where the user is in their journey. These stages are often referred to as stages of awareness:

  1. Awareness

  2. Consideration

  3. Conversion

  4. Loyalty

Essentially, a funnel is a controlled environment that guides users through a series of steps, narrowing their choices to steer them towards a specific action—like buying your course.

Why Do You Need a Sales Funnel?

One common issue we see at our agency is the assumption that simply driving traffic to a website will result in conversions. However, our research shows that the average time spent on a website is only 67 seconds, dropping to less than 30 seconds for traffic from paid ads. With such limited time, you need to deliver a clear message and a compelling call to action quickly—this is where sales funnels come in.

Unlike a general website, which often has multiple products and a vague message, a sales funnel focuses on solving a specific problem. It guides potential customers through a streamlined process, addressing their particular pain points with targeted solutions. The funnel showcases relevant reviews and testimonials, reinforcing your expertise in that niche.

Not only does this approach position you as an expert, but it also simplifies the user's decision-making process, making it easier for them to take the desired action.

Top creators like Grant Cardone and Tony Robbins use sales funnels to effectively market their courses and masterminds. With attention spans decreasing every year, sales funnels remain the most efficient way to market your course now and in the future.

What are the 5 most important rules to create a funnel that converts?

  1. Clear Messaging

Clear messaging is crucial. It’s easy to overlook this after spending so much time immersed in your own space, but take a step back. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer persona. Visualize their stage in the buyer's journey and their understanding of your solution.

If you’re selling a course with a checkout page as the final step, address every potential objection your customer might have, as if you were speaking to them face-to-face. To identify these objections, use tools like Answer the Public to search for relevant keywords in your niche. This will reveal common questions and concerns. For those with more experience, these objections are likely already top of mind.

Remember, people don’t read pages; they scan them. Heatmaps from tools like Hotjar or Microsoft Clarity show how users interact with your sales page, highlighting the importance of well-crafted headlines.

  1. Clear Action

People often feel overwhelmed and lost when they encounter your product for the first time. They might have heard of you a few times, but behind the screen, they’re juggling life’s myriad challenges—kids, car issues, insurance, paperwork, and more.

People are willing to pay for solutions to their problems, but you need to make it easy for them to see the value in what you're offering. You need to do the work for them so that choosing your solution is a no-brainer.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Selling Courses via Checkout: Have a clear, impactful CTA that shows exactly how your course will improve their life.

  • Selling High-Ticket Programs with a Sales Call: Use a clear CTA that highlights the value they’ll receive from the call.

Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Keep your approach simple and straightforward, ensuring your CTA leads them seamlessly to the next step.

  1. Visualization

Research shows that visualizing goals can significantly influence purchasing behavior. To leverage this, use more personalized images rather than generic stock photos. If you have a story tied to your product, include images of yourself. If your product is digital, showcase it in action with authentic, well-edited pictures.

If you have graphic design or video editing skills, use them, especially to illustrate intangible knowledge. Here’s a strategy for using visuals effectively:

  1. Life Before the Promise: Show what life looks like before using your product to establish promise credibility.

  2. Life After the Promise: Highlight the transformation after using your product to reinforce promise credibility.

  3. Social Events/Conferences: Include pictures from social events to provide social proof.

  4. With Students: Show images of you with students to further enhance social proof.

  5. Product/Service in Action: Display the product or service being used to demonstrate practicality.

Remember, we’re social animals who trust those who look like us. Show faces, smiles, and relatable scenarios to build confidence and trust, mimicking real-life interactions in the digital world.

  1. Offer Creation

Creating a compelling offer is crucial for converting leads into customers. Emphasize crafting offers that are irresistible and clearly communicate value. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Identify the Core Problem: Understand the primary pain point your audience faces. What’s the pressing issue that keeps them up at night? Your offer should directly address this problem.

  2. Craft a Clear Solution: Present your product or service as the definitive solution to their problem. Outline exactly how it will alleviate their pain points and improve their situation.

  3. Stack the Value: Break down your offer into components and assign a value to each. This might include:

    • Main Product/Service: The core offering that solves their problem.

    • Bonuses: Additional items or services that complement the main offer and add value.

    • Guarantees: Risk-reversal techniques that reassure the buyer, such as money-back guarantees or satisfaction guarantees.

    • Limited-Time Specials: Urgency elements like discounts or bonuses that are available for a short period.

  4. Increase the Perceived Value: Emphasize the benefits and outcomes your customer will achieve. Use testimonials, case studies, and success stories to show real-life results. Highlight the tangible and intangible benefits.

Example Offer Breakdown:

  • Core Product: Online Course on Digital Marketing ($997 value)

  • Bonus 1: 1-on-1 Coaching Session ($300 value)

  • Bonus 2: Exclusive Access to Private Facebook Group ($200 value)

  • Bonus 3: E-Book on Advanced Marketing Strategies ($100 value)

  • Guarantee: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee (Priceless)

Total Value: $1597
Your Price Today: $497

Key Points to Highlight:

  • Immediate access to life-changing knowledge and tools.

  • Personal support and community to ensure success.

  • A no-risk guarantee that builds trust.

By following this structured approach, you can create an offer that is not just compelling but irresistible, making it clear to your prospects that they can’t afford to miss out on what you’re providing.

  1. Branding

Over the last few years, more and more competitors have entered the market. It’s not only a matter of knowledge but also of individuals, their story, and how they present their product to increase trust and recognition.

Small details matter. Imagine if your digital bank used serif fonts in 2024—you’d likely feel something was off and bounce.

  • Consistency is Key:

    • Ensure your branding elements, such as fonts and colors, are consistent and suitable for your industry. This builds familiarity and trust with your audience.

  • Research What Works:

    • Look at successful site templates on platforms like ThemeForest to see which colors and fonts are popular in your niche. These templates are often well-designed and optimized for user experience.

  • Competitive Analysis:

    • Use tools like the Facebook Ad Library to spy on your competitors and see what kind of ads they are running. This can give you insights into effective branding strategies in your industry.

Avoid relying solely on search engines for branding ideas, as they may prioritize SEO over conversion optimization. By focusing on what works in your niche and keeping your branding consistent, you can enhance trust and recognition among your target audience.

What is the best Funnel Structure:

Direct Sales Courses:

For course creators looking to sell via direct marketing, we generally recommend the following funnel structure:

  • Section 1 - Value Proposition:

    • Showcase the solution clearly. Explain how your course solves a specific problem or meets a particular need for your audience.

  • Section 2 - Audience Problematics:

    • Address the objections your audience may have. Provide clear, convincing responses to common concerns and doubts.

  • Section 3 - Social Trust:

    • Include video testimonials, reviews, and screenshots of results. Demonstrate social proof to build credibility and trust.

  • Section 4 - Who is Behind:

    • Introduce your team, share the research behind the course, and tell your story. Humanize your brand and connect with your audience on a personal level.

  • Section 5 - Deliverables:

    • List all the value your course offers. Be practical and transparent, showcasing the key features and benefits that can transform your customer's life.

  • Section 6 - Call to Action:

    • Use product visualization and detail the prices of individual products. Encourage action with a compelling call to action.

  • Section 7 - Recognition:

    • Explain how your course is recognized in the professional world. Highlight any certifications, accreditations, or endorsements.

  • Section 8 - FAQ:

    • Address other potential objections your audience might have. Provide clear, concise answers to frequently asked questions.

Funnel Pages:

Keep your funnel simple and avoid unnecessary steps:

  • Step 1 - Sales Page:

    • Follow the sections listed above to create a comprehensive and compelling sales page.

  • Step 2 - Checkout:

    • Simplify the checkout process by keeping only the necessary fields. Add social trust elements to reassure customers during the final purchase step.

  • Step 3 - Upsells:

    • Include multiple upsells to increase your average order value (AOV). Offer related products or premium versions of your course.

  • Step 4 - Thank You:

    • Redirect to the course immediately to minimize refunds and reduce the need for customer support. Provide a thank you message and any additional instructions or resources.

By following this structured approach, you can create an effective sales funnel that guides potential customers through the buying process, addresses their concerns, and ultimately drives conversions.

Mastermind and Coaching Programs

For high-ticket mastermind and coaching programs, we recommend the following funnel structure:

  • Section 1 - Value Proposition:

    • Showcase how you fix people's problems. Clearly articulate the unique value and specific outcomes participants can expect from your program.

  • Section 2 - Audience Problematics:

    • Address common objections and concerns that your target audience might have. Ensure your responses are clear and reassuring.

  • Section 3 - Case Studies:

    • Provide detailed case studies and testimonials. Show how you’ve been able to fix others' problems, offering real-life examples of success to build social trust.

  • Section 4 - Who is Behind:

    • Introduce yourself and your team. Share more information about who you are, your qualifications, and why prospects can trust you and your program.

  • Section 8 - FAQ:

    • Share common objections and provide clear answers. Address frequently asked questions to help prospects make an informed decision.

Funnel Pages:

Keep the funnel simple and focused on guiding prospects through each step:

  • Step 1 - Landing Page:

    • Follow the sections listed above to create a compelling and informative landing page.

  • Step 2 - Call Booking Page:

    • Use a tool like Calendly to allow your prospects to book a call easily. Make the booking process simple and convenient.

  • Step 3 - Thank You Page with Video Explanation:

    • After booking, redirect to a thank you page with a video explanation. Clarify what will be addressed in the calls, and address any objections or questions prospects might have to decrease the no-show rate.

By following this structured approach, you can create an effective sales funnel that clearly communicates the value of your mastermind and coaching programs, builds trust, and guides potential clients towards enrolling.

What are the 4 key elements in the funnel?

Awareness: Top of the funnel where potential customers first learn about your product or service. Use content marketing, social media, SEO, and ads to attract attention.

Interest: Middle of the funnel where potential customers engage with your brand. Nurture their interest with valuable content, engaging emails, and personalized communication.

Consideration: Bottom of the funnel where potential customers evaluate and compare your offering. Use case studies, testimonials, free trials, or demos to convince them of your product’s value.

Action: Final step where customers make the purchase. Ensure a smooth checkout process, clear calls to action, and support to address any concerns.

What are the KPIs to track?

The KPIs of your funnel are crucial for improving your funnel's conversion rate. Here are the three most important KPIs to monitor:

  1. Conversion Rate:

The overall conversion rate of your funnel is essential but can be broad and challenging to act upon without further breakdown. This metric measures the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action, such as purchasing your course. While important, it’s necessary to dive deeper into more specific metrics to identify areas for improvement.

  1. Page Conversion Rate:

Tracking the conversion rates at each step of your funnel is vital to pinpoint where issues might be. For example, if you are selling a course for $300 and your conversion rate from the sales page to checkout is 2%, there may be a significant problem with your sales page. Similarly, if you're using paid ads and the cost per add to cart exceeds $150, it indicates a need for improvement. Aim for a cost per add to cart around 20% of your product price when using paid ads.

  1. Bounce Rate:

If your funnel is attracting qualified traffic but experiencing a high bounce rate, it’s likely that your message, branding, and offers are not resonating with visitors. A good bounce rate is around 40% or lower. A bounce rate of 60% or higher suggests that your page needs evaluation and possible adjustments to align better with your target audience.

  1. Scroll Rate:

Monitoring scroll rate with tools like Hotjar or Microsoft Clarity can provide insights into user engagement. If you notice low engagement, low average session duration, and low scroll depth, it indicates that your landing page is not effectively capturing interest. Use heatmaps and session recordings to identify and address areas where users lose interest.

By keeping a close eye on these KPIs, you can gain valuable insights into how your funnel is performing and make informed decisions to optimize each stage for better conversion rates.

Creating an online course is one thing, but turning those efforts into sales? That's a whole different ball game. Many course creators pour their heart into perfecting their content but hit a roadblock when it comes to converting leads into paying customers.

Curious about the distinctions between a traditional website and a high-converting funnel? Wondering how this shift can skyrocket your course's success? You've landed in the right spot. 

We're here to break it all down for you.

What is a Sales Funnel?

Think of a sales funnel as a scientific experiment. In science, when conducting an experiment, you need to control variables to accurately measure outcomes. Similarly, in marketing, a sales funnel limits the actions a user can take to better understand and influence their journey towards making a purchase.

In a sales funnel, we test various elements such as:

  • Offers

  • Branding

  • User Experience

  • Product Market Fit

At each stage of the funnel, we have indicators showing where the user is in their journey. These stages are often referred to as stages of awareness:

  1. Awareness

  2. Consideration

  3. Conversion

  4. Loyalty

Essentially, a funnel is a controlled environment that guides users through a series of steps, narrowing their choices to steer them towards a specific action—like buying your course.

Why Do You Need a Sales Funnel?

One common issue we see at our agency is the assumption that simply driving traffic to a website will result in conversions. However, our research shows that the average time spent on a website is only 67 seconds, dropping to less than 30 seconds for traffic from paid ads. With such limited time, you need to deliver a clear message and a compelling call to action quickly—this is where sales funnels come in.

Unlike a general website, which often has multiple products and a vague message, a sales funnel focuses on solving a specific problem. It guides potential customers through a streamlined process, addressing their particular pain points with targeted solutions. The funnel showcases relevant reviews and testimonials, reinforcing your expertise in that niche.

Not only does this approach position you as an expert, but it also simplifies the user's decision-making process, making it easier for them to take the desired action.

Top creators like Grant Cardone and Tony Robbins use sales funnels to effectively market their courses and masterminds. With attention spans decreasing every year, sales funnels remain the most efficient way to market your course now and in the future.

What are the 5 most important rules to create a funnel that converts?

  1. Clear Messaging

Clear messaging is crucial. It’s easy to overlook this after spending so much time immersed in your own space, but take a step back. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer persona. Visualize their stage in the buyer's journey and their understanding of your solution.

If you’re selling a course with a checkout page as the final step, address every potential objection your customer might have, as if you were speaking to them face-to-face. To identify these objections, use tools like Answer the Public to search for relevant keywords in your niche. This will reveal common questions and concerns. For those with more experience, these objections are likely already top of mind.

Remember, people don’t read pages; they scan them. Heatmaps from tools like Hotjar or Microsoft Clarity show how users interact with your sales page, highlighting the importance of well-crafted headlines.

  1. Clear Action

People often feel overwhelmed and lost when they encounter your product for the first time. They might have heard of you a few times, but behind the screen, they’re juggling life’s myriad challenges—kids, car issues, insurance, paperwork, and more.

People are willing to pay for solutions to their problems, but you need to make it easy for them to see the value in what you're offering. You need to do the work for them so that choosing your solution is a no-brainer.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Selling Courses via Checkout: Have a clear, impactful CTA that shows exactly how your course will improve their life.

  • Selling High-Ticket Programs with a Sales Call: Use a clear CTA that highlights the value they’ll receive from the call.

Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Keep your approach simple and straightforward, ensuring your CTA leads them seamlessly to the next step.

  1. Visualization

Research shows that visualizing goals can significantly influence purchasing behavior. To leverage this, use more personalized images rather than generic stock photos. If you have a story tied to your product, include images of yourself. If your product is digital, showcase it in action with authentic, well-edited pictures.

If you have graphic design or video editing skills, use them, especially to illustrate intangible knowledge. Here’s a strategy for using visuals effectively:

  1. Life Before the Promise: Show what life looks like before using your product to establish promise credibility.

  2. Life After the Promise: Highlight the transformation after using your product to reinforce promise credibility.

  3. Social Events/Conferences: Include pictures from social events to provide social proof.

  4. With Students: Show images of you with students to further enhance social proof.

  5. Product/Service in Action: Display the product or service being used to demonstrate practicality.

Remember, we’re social animals who trust those who look like us. Show faces, smiles, and relatable scenarios to build confidence and trust, mimicking real-life interactions in the digital world.

  1. Offer Creation

Creating a compelling offer is crucial for converting leads into customers. Emphasize crafting offers that are irresistible and clearly communicate value. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Identify the Core Problem: Understand the primary pain point your audience faces. What’s the pressing issue that keeps them up at night? Your offer should directly address this problem.

  2. Craft a Clear Solution: Present your product or service as the definitive solution to their problem. Outline exactly how it will alleviate their pain points and improve their situation.

  3. Stack the Value: Break down your offer into components and assign a value to each. This might include:

    • Main Product/Service: The core offering that solves their problem.

    • Bonuses: Additional items or services that complement the main offer and add value.

    • Guarantees: Risk-reversal techniques that reassure the buyer, such as money-back guarantees or satisfaction guarantees.

    • Limited-Time Specials: Urgency elements like discounts or bonuses that are available for a short period.

  4. Increase the Perceived Value: Emphasize the benefits and outcomes your customer will achieve. Use testimonials, case studies, and success stories to show real-life results. Highlight the tangible and intangible benefits.

Example Offer Breakdown:

  • Core Product: Online Course on Digital Marketing ($997 value)

  • Bonus 1: 1-on-1 Coaching Session ($300 value)

  • Bonus 2: Exclusive Access to Private Facebook Group ($200 value)

  • Bonus 3: E-Book on Advanced Marketing Strategies ($100 value)

  • Guarantee: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee (Priceless)

Total Value: $1597
Your Price Today: $497

Key Points to Highlight:

  • Immediate access to life-changing knowledge and tools.

  • Personal support and community to ensure success.

  • A no-risk guarantee that builds trust.

By following this structured approach, you can create an offer that is not just compelling but irresistible, making it clear to your prospects that they can’t afford to miss out on what you’re providing.

  1. Branding

Over the last few years, more and more competitors have entered the market. It’s not only a matter of knowledge but also of individuals, their story, and how they present their product to increase trust and recognition.

Small details matter. Imagine if your digital bank used serif fonts in 2024—you’d likely feel something was off and bounce.

  • Consistency is Key:

    • Ensure your branding elements, such as fonts and colors, are consistent and suitable for your industry. This builds familiarity and trust with your audience.

  • Research What Works:

    • Look at successful site templates on platforms like ThemeForest to see which colors and fonts are popular in your niche. These templates are often well-designed and optimized for user experience.

  • Competitive Analysis:

    • Use tools like the Facebook Ad Library to spy on your competitors and see what kind of ads they are running. This can give you insights into effective branding strategies in your industry.

Avoid relying solely on search engines for branding ideas, as they may prioritize SEO over conversion optimization. By focusing on what works in your niche and keeping your branding consistent, you can enhance trust and recognition among your target audience.

What is the best Funnel Structure:

Direct Sales Courses:

For course creators looking to sell via direct marketing, we generally recommend the following funnel structure:

  • Section 1 - Value Proposition:

    • Showcase the solution clearly. Explain how your course solves a specific problem or meets a particular need for your audience.

  • Section 2 - Audience Problematics:

    • Address the objections your audience may have. Provide clear, convincing responses to common concerns and doubts.

  • Section 3 - Social Trust:

    • Include video testimonials, reviews, and screenshots of results. Demonstrate social proof to build credibility and trust.

  • Section 4 - Who is Behind:

    • Introduce your team, share the research behind the course, and tell your story. Humanize your brand and connect with your audience on a personal level.

  • Section 5 - Deliverables:

    • List all the value your course offers. Be practical and transparent, showcasing the key features and benefits that can transform your customer's life.

  • Section 6 - Call to Action:

    • Use product visualization and detail the prices of individual products. Encourage action with a compelling call to action.

  • Section 7 - Recognition:

    • Explain how your course is recognized in the professional world. Highlight any certifications, accreditations, or endorsements.

  • Section 8 - FAQ:

    • Address other potential objections your audience might have. Provide clear, concise answers to frequently asked questions.

Funnel Pages:

Keep your funnel simple and avoid unnecessary steps:

  • Step 1 - Sales Page:

    • Follow the sections listed above to create a comprehensive and compelling sales page.

  • Step 2 - Checkout:

    • Simplify the checkout process by keeping only the necessary fields. Add social trust elements to reassure customers during the final purchase step.

  • Step 3 - Upsells:

    • Include multiple upsells to increase your average order value (AOV). Offer related products or premium versions of your course.

  • Step 4 - Thank You:

    • Redirect to the course immediately to minimize refunds and reduce the need for customer support. Provide a thank you message and any additional instructions or resources.

By following this structured approach, you can create an effective sales funnel that guides potential customers through the buying process, addresses their concerns, and ultimately drives conversions.

Mastermind and Coaching Programs

For high-ticket mastermind and coaching programs, we recommend the following funnel structure:

  • Section 1 - Value Proposition:

    • Showcase how you fix people's problems. Clearly articulate the unique value and specific outcomes participants can expect from your program.

  • Section 2 - Audience Problematics:

    • Address common objections and concerns that your target audience might have. Ensure your responses are clear and reassuring.

  • Section 3 - Case Studies:

    • Provide detailed case studies and testimonials. Show how you’ve been able to fix others' problems, offering real-life examples of success to build social trust.

  • Section 4 - Who is Behind:

    • Introduce yourself and your team. Share more information about who you are, your qualifications, and why prospects can trust you and your program.

  • Section 8 - FAQ:

    • Share common objections and provide clear answers. Address frequently asked questions to help prospects make an informed decision.

Funnel Pages:

Keep the funnel simple and focused on guiding prospects through each step:

  • Step 1 - Landing Page:

    • Follow the sections listed above to create a compelling and informative landing page.

  • Step 2 - Call Booking Page:

    • Use a tool like Calendly to allow your prospects to book a call easily. Make the booking process simple and convenient.

  • Step 3 - Thank You Page with Video Explanation:

    • After booking, redirect to a thank you page with a video explanation. Clarify what will be addressed in the calls, and address any objections or questions prospects might have to decrease the no-show rate.

By following this structured approach, you can create an effective sales funnel that clearly communicates the value of your mastermind and coaching programs, builds trust, and guides potential clients towards enrolling.

What are the 4 key elements in the funnel?

Awareness: Top of the funnel where potential customers first learn about your product or service. Use content marketing, social media, SEO, and ads to attract attention.

Interest: Middle of the funnel where potential customers engage with your brand. Nurture their interest with valuable content, engaging emails, and personalized communication.

Consideration: Bottom of the funnel where potential customers evaluate and compare your offering. Use case studies, testimonials, free trials, or demos to convince them of your product’s value.

Action: Final step where customers make the purchase. Ensure a smooth checkout process, clear calls to action, and support to address any concerns.

What are the KPIs to track?

The KPIs of your funnel are crucial for improving your funnel's conversion rate. Here are the three most important KPIs to monitor:

  1. Conversion Rate:

The overall conversion rate of your funnel is essential but can be broad and challenging to act upon without further breakdown. This metric measures the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action, such as purchasing your course. While important, it’s necessary to dive deeper into more specific metrics to identify areas for improvement.

  1. Page Conversion Rate:

Tracking the conversion rates at each step of your funnel is vital to pinpoint where issues might be. For example, if you are selling a course for $300 and your conversion rate from the sales page to checkout is 2%, there may be a significant problem with your sales page. Similarly, if you're using paid ads and the cost per add to cart exceeds $150, it indicates a need for improvement. Aim for a cost per add to cart around 20% of your product price when using paid ads.

  1. Bounce Rate:

If your funnel is attracting qualified traffic but experiencing a high bounce rate, it’s likely that your message, branding, and offers are not resonating with visitors. A good bounce rate is around 40% or lower. A bounce rate of 60% or higher suggests that your page needs evaluation and possible adjustments to align better with your target audience.

  1. Scroll Rate:

Monitoring scroll rate with tools like Hotjar or Microsoft Clarity can provide insights into user engagement. If you notice low engagement, low average session duration, and low scroll depth, it indicates that your landing page is not effectively capturing interest. Use heatmaps and session recordings to identify and address areas where users lose interest.

By keeping a close eye on these KPIs, you can gain valuable insights into how your funnel is performing and make informed decisions to optimize each stage for better conversion rates.

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The leading agency for education promotion. Boost visibility, attract your audience, and succeed.

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The leading agency for education promotion. Boost visibility, attract your audience, and succeed.

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The leading agency for education promotion. Boost visibility, attract your audience, and succeed.

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